
The Strategic Planning Workbook was born as a result of working with dozens of companies and encountering the same challenges with each one. When asked what the plan was, most of the owners I would talk to had dreams and goals and visions in spades. But they needed structure and order to their ideas to take them from notions, into actionable steps. The workbook is a succinct process created for those owners to give them the final tool they need to achieve better margins, and better overall outcomes including

WorkLife Balance.

Hello, I'm Sarah Joy

I'm the author and creator of the process behind the workbooks, and I'm passionate about small business! From running my own practice as a massage therapist, to running a consulting business helping all of you, I've been a small business owner all my adult life. So, I know the life of an Entrepreneur and I scoff at those who say this is easy!

It was both for my own business and when trying to help others that I found a deficiency in the tools available to help an owner write a business plan. Sure, I found lengthy, convoluted books about planning that would put any small business owner to sleep. But they would be so full and overwhelming, I can see most owners losing enthusiasm after the first few chapters.

I certainly did!

Which is where my focus went when I wrote the books. I threw out everything unnecessary and wrote something that would actually serve you.

Because I believe in you and your dreams! I also believe very strongly in the importance of small business as part of the mosaic of culture and a contributor to the overall health of a city. We can't all work for the same three corporations, and we wouldn't want to. It's better to have a vibrant, varied mix of business bringing flavor and life to an area.

Small businesses have a poor track record when it comes to success, but I maintain it's because they're missing this critical factor. A system for planning can give a business owner that solid infrastructure from which to grow.

Please use the material here to help you beat the stats and become the successful Entrepreneur you've always dreamed of being.

Cheers to Your Success!